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Do I need a users account to buy domains?

No. User accounts are needed only for administration of domains to be sold.

Are there any charges added to the domain's purchase price?

Buying domains, which are listed at is without fees for you as the buyer. Fees only occur, if you appoint our brokerage team with the intermediation of your desired domain or choose a payment method on wich additional fees apply, as laid down in the pricing list. Your provider might charge you for the transfer of domains.

Can I buy a single domain contained in a package?

Yes. Purchasing of single domains is possible. When purchasing the complete package, you're saving, compared to single purchases.

What payment methods are accepted by

It’s your choice of bank transfer (SEPA or TransferWise recommended), PayPal or Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).

Is my payment secured?

Yes. Our escrow service is included at no charge for all domains listed at The purchase price you pay to us, is only being paid out to the offerer, after the domain transfer is completed. If, in an isolated case, the transfer fails, you're being refunded the full purchase price.

Do I have to pay taxes on my purchase?

The place of performance will be in the country in which you've your place of business.

If your place of business is Germany, the valid german sales tax / VAT is added to the purchase price. Of course, you'll receive an invoice separately declaring the sales tax / VAT from

You'll receive an invoice without the sales tax / VAT, if your place of business is in the European Union and you provide a VAT identification number. The "reverse charge" procedure will be effective in this case. You're responsible for paying the tax in your country. If you're entitled to deduct sales tax / VAT, you can subtract it right afterwards.

In all other cases the tax situation depends on your national laws. For these cases we won't charge sales tax / VAT.

This is no tax counseling. In any case of doubt please contact your tax consultant.

What happens after I bought a domains?

After purchasing and paying your domain, we request the so called Auth-Code from the previous domain owner. As soon as we get it, we'll forward it to you.

Where do I get my invoice from?

You'll receive the invoice for your purchased domain, if applicable, including sales tax / VAT, directly from after the sale.

Where do I get the Auth-Code for my purchased domain from?

After purchasing and paying your domain, we request the so called Auth-Code from the previous domain owner. As soon as we get it, we'll forward it to you.

What's the Auth-Code good for?

To transfer your new domain to your provider, you need proof, that you're legitimated to do so. This proof is the so called Auth-Code. Copy it to the text field named "AuthCode", "AuthInfo" or something like that in your provider's order form to initiate the transfer.

When will the Auth-Code expire?

Depending on the domain extension, the Auth-Code usually expires after 14-30 days.

To ensure that the offerer receives the purchase price promptly and that the Auth-Code doesn't become invalid, the transfer of the domain has to be completed by the buyer within 10 weekdays after receiving the Auth-Code.

In case the transfer isn't completed on time, will transfer the domain in its own administration on behalf of the buyer. will charge administration fees for at least one year according to the valid conditions when doing so. The buyer is granted the right to request a new Auth-Code from at any time to transfer the domain into administration of his provider.

A while ago, I made an offer for a domain, but didn't receive an answer. How long is my offer binding?

You're tied to your offer for 7 days.

What possibilities does the offerer have to react to my offer?

The offerer is free, to accept or refuse your offer, make a counter-offer or ignore it.

Why is it disabled to place offers for some domains?

The offerer is free to decide, if he wants to allow alternative offers.

I would like to negotiate with the offerer directly. Does establish a connection?

There will be no direct contact established between prospective buyer and offerer. Of course, all your questions will be forwarded to the offerer by

How can I sort search results?

Search results can be filtered and sorted by different criteria. Pick your desired domain extension at the search form.

You can sort the results by domain name, number of visitors, break even or price, either ascending or descending. For this there are arrows provided below the headline of the table.

How significant is a domain's number of visitors?

Every visit of a domain is counted. Visits by search engines are filtered, if possible, and not counted. Several visits from the same IP at the same day are counted only once. The traffic displayed at is the calculated average annual traffic.

Does display all kinds of domains and domain packages with same priority?

If you choose "All" in the search box, all domains listed at will be displayed. Domain packages are only being directly displayed in the target markets the offerer has chosen.

How can the brokerage team help me to get my desired domain?

If your desired domain might not be listed at, we'll be glad to help you, purchase it at the most favorable price. For this you grant a budget.

The skilled brokerage team of negotiates with the current domain owner, without revealing your identity. You're in a far better position with us negotiating for you.

Without the seller knowing about your interests, we can achieve significantly better sale conditions as it would be possible in an open negotiation.

Mostly domain brokers earn a commission, based on the purchase price. Therefore they have no direct financial incentive, to achieve a low purchase price.

At things are different: You benefit from the success commission, which is only to be paid, if we can bargain a price, which is below your budget. This would seem to be more expensive than a commission, purely based upon the purchase price. As a matter of fact, the sum of purchase price, brokerage commission and success commission is significantly lower, than the sum of purchase price and brokerage commission with your budget being maxed out. Check this example calculation.

Here you can look up our conditions.

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How do I offer domains for sale?

First register your free user account. Log into it and click "Offer domain". Now fill out the form (domain name(s), pricing conditions, categories, keywords). Make your choice of promotion and click "Offer domain now". checks, if your'e authorized to sell the domains and after that clears them. From that moment, they're listed for sale at

How much is the sale of domains at

Offering and parking domains at is free. Only when a domain is sold successfully, you've to pay a small sales commission. In order to enhance the chance of your domain(s) to be sold, you've the possibility, to promote them. All conditions can be found in our pricing list.

How does check, if I'm the domain's owner? will randomly check, if the information provided by you matches that provided by the registrar of your domain.

How do I use "My account" to administrate my domains?

After logging in to your user account ("My account") you can check your offered domains. When doing so, you've the options "Offer new domain" and "Administrate domains".

Do I have to park my domain at in order to sell it?

You've the possibility to park your domain at for free. This isn't necessary for selling it. Until it's sold, you can also use the domain, as you used to do. If the domain is parked, a discount on the sales commission will be granted.

Does establish a direct contact between prospective buyer and offerer? won't establish a direct contact between prospective buyer and offerer. The buyer'll receive an invoice directly from and also the Auth-Code will be forwarded to him by us. Therefore a direct contact isn't necessary. Of course, incoming offers are forwarded to the offerer anonymously.

What's the benefit to provide categories and keywords for my domains?

Every prospective buyer is interested in certain domains. Sometimes those are pretty fixed right from the start. The owner of the restaurant "da Nico" will probably not care too much about "". Besides the obvious domains "", he might also like "" or "", if he's from that city. He'll only be able to find these domains, if they were classified to the category "Food, Drinks & Tobacco". Therefore it's on behalf of the offerer to pick related categories and keywords for the domain, which allows the domain to be found regardless of its name.

Why do categories and keywords have to be relevant?

A good user experience is highly relevant for Part of this is only to show domains, which are in fact relevant. Someone looking for a domain for his men's wear shop, won't care for domains with the keywords "car repair". To ensure only relevant domains are shown, we'lll check the relevance of keywords and categories. If needed, we'll ask you to revise them.

How is the transfer of a domain carried out after sale?

You'll be informed about the sale of your domain by email. With this message, we'll request the Auth-Code for transferring the domain. The buyer will receive an invoice from After his payment, we'll forward the Auth-Code to him. After the Auth-Code was successfully used, we'll pay out the purchase price, less the sales commission to you. You'll receive a credit voucher and a separate invoice for the commission.

What amount is paid out to me and do I have to pay taxes?

You'll receive the purchase price less the sales commission from, as soon as the transfer of the domain is completed. In case, the transfer might be delayed by the buyer, you'll be paid anyways 14 calendar days after we received the Auth-Code.

If your place of business is in Germany and your're liable to VAT, you'll be paid out this amount plus VAT.

If your place of business is in the European Union, you'll receive a credit voucher without displayed sales tax / VAT.

If your place of business is in any other country, it depends on your national taxation law, if you're obligated to pay sales tax / VAT. In this case, we won't credit sales tax / VAT to you.

This is no tax consultancy. In any case of doubt, please contact your tax consultant.

Where do I get the Auth-Code from?

The Auth-Code to transfer the domain to the buyer will be provided by your hosting provider (e.g. For further information on how to request the code, please contact your provider.

Who's the seller of the domain?

The sale is carried out as a commission business. This means, buys the domain from you and resells it to the buyer.

What sale options are covered at

At it's your choice of a fixed or a dynamic pricing. Dynamic pricing is being calculated due to the number of visitors of the domain. Please take note, that it can only be detected, if the domain is parked at or the visitor counter is implemented on your website. Additionally you've the opportunity to set a minimum price. This will only be displayed, if the dynamic price is below the minimum price. Additionally to these prices, prospective buyers are given the opportunity, depending on the settings of the offerer, to place alternative offers.

Please take note that the minimum or the fixed price must be at least € 69.-.

How do I determine a realistic price for my domain?

Determining the price of a domain is complex. The value accumulates by the number of visitors of the domain, meaning how often it's visited, by its backlinks, meaning how many other website link to it, its age and if its name is "descriptive". Global statements are therefore not possible.

When offering a domain at, a minimum price is automatically proposed. This takes among other factors into account, the domain's length, its extension and if the name is descriptive. Since at the purchase price is calculated based on the domain's number of visitors, the listed purchase price can be higher than the suggested minimum price.

If you want to know the value of your domain, you can order an expertise from our skilled brokerage team.

How can support me estimating the value of my domain?

When offering a domain for sale at an automatically determined minimum price is proposed. This takes among other factors into account, the domain's length, its extension and if the name is memorable. Since at the purchase price is calculated based on the domain's number of visitors, the listed purchase price can be higher than the suggested minimum price. Please take note, that this can only be a rough estimation of the domains value. offers you an individual expertise for your domain. The basic expertise determines your domain's value based on statistic-mathematic principles, taking into account: domain's length, domain extension (TLD), target markets (potential buyers range) and memorability of the domain name, as well as the characters contained in the domain's name. Delivered as a bilingual PDF including a validation link to verify the authenticity.

The advanced expertise additionally takes into account the number of visitors and backlinks, the pagerank, the phonetic meaning, the commercial value, the branding, existing trademarks, the internet-affinity of the domain name, the interrelation of its components, including the TLD.

How much do I get for my domain at least?

In 'My account' -> "My domains" a field "Minimum price" is provided, in which you can set the minimum price to be shown at If the number of visitors of the domain is detected (e.g. because it's parked at and due to that the dynamic price exceeds the minimum price, the dynamically generated price will be displayed. In case it might decrease below the minimum price, the minimum price will be displayed. In any case of sale, at least your minimum price will be realized.

In which ways can I react to offers?

For domains priced at US$ 500.- (if necessary, converted) or more, the option to propose an alternative price is enabled by default. Offers are forwarded to you. You can decide wether to accept or refuse them, make counter-offers or ignore them.

Do I have to react to every offer?

No. You've several ways in which you can react to price proposals. The proposal expires, if you don't reply within 7 days. Therefore in case you might not be able to receive messages for a while, e.g. due to vacation, we recommend you to assign someone to react in your name.

In what currencies can I offer my domains?

You always fill out the fields for minimum and, if applicable, fixed price in your countries currency. Calculation into the buyers currency is done by automatically.

How do exchange rate changes effect my domain's price?

Exchange rates are updated by daily, based on the offical Interbank exchange rates. You don't have to do anything for this service. In any case, the purchased price is cleared in your currency. The exchange rate risk is covered by

What will happen, if I offer my domain at a fixed price in US-Dollars and for example a German company buys it?

The amount to be paid by the buyer is displayed and billed in Euro for him. The exchange rate risk is covered by The buyer's place of business isn't relevant for sales tax / VAT, because the transaction is managed as a commission business. Therefore only the place of business of compared to the seller's is relevant.

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Parking and traffic counter

What's domain parking and why should I use it?

You can park your domain at for free, if you want it to be available, without paying for web hosting, even though it's not in use right now.

Reasons for parking, among others, are that
- the domain's number of visitors is detected and shown to a prospective buyer automatically,
- dynamic pricing is available, which allows you to benefit from a higher purchase price,
- it's visible at first sight, that the domain is for sale,
- you receive a discount on the sales commission,
- the visibility on search engines is optimized and
- you save money for external web hosting.

How can I park my domains at

List your domain for sale at and simply change its DNS settings to "@ CNAME".

Most domain providers allow to do so at the customer account. For questions on how to make the change, please contact your domain provider.

Please take note, that simple web forwarding won't be sufficient.

Can I cancel the parking of my domains?

Yes. You can cancel the free parking by changing the IP address in the DNS record. To keep counting the number of visitors, we recommend to implement the visitor counter on every page of your website by pasting the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Can I only park my domains at, if I want to sell them?

Yes. Your domain must be listed for sale at for parking it.

Is the domain parking at for free?

Parking your domain at is free. Domain administration fees have nevertheless still to be paid to your domain provider.

What does "Visitors" mean?

Every visit of a domain is counted. Visits by search engines are filtered, if possible, and not counted. Several visits from the same IP at the same day are counted only once. The traffic displayed at is the calculated average annual traffic.

Please take note, that fake traffic can result in delisting your domain.

The number of visitors can be detected by, if the domain is either parked at or the visitor counter is implemented on your website. We recommend the implementation on all pages of your website in order to allow the traffic to be counted occurring directly upon those.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

What traffic isn't allowed?

Not allowed is fake traffic, because it manipulates the purchase price and the apparent value of a domain. Fake traffic means all traffic, which isn't caused willingly or by the domain owner or a third party instructed to do so. Some examples:

- Automatic calls of the domain by pop-up, routing or script
- Traffic, resulting from fraud and / or force
- Calls, for which a compensation or non-cash benefit is promised

Occasionally calling your own domain is harmless. Please take note, that fake traffic on your domain may result in delisting your domain and suspension of your account at

How many domains can be parked at simultaneously?

All your domains listed for sale at can be parked for free. There's no limit.

Do I have to park my domain at, in order to sell it?

No. Until the domain is sold, you can keep using it like you do now.

What options do I have instead of parking my domain?

Until selling the domain, you can keep using it like you do now. In order to benefit from the dynamic pricing and to substantiate the value of your domain, we recommend the implementation of the visitor counter on your website. For this we recommend the implementation on all pages of your website, to allow the traffic to be counted occurring directly upon those.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

I don't want to park my domain, but benefit from dynamic pricing. What do I have to do?

To benefit from dynamic pricing and to substantiate the value of your domain, we recommend the implementation of the visitor counter on your website. For this we recommend the implementation on all pages of your website, to allow the traffic to be counted occurring directly upon those.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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Domain packages

Can I offer only single domains or also domain packages at

Additionally to selling single domains, you can assort several of them to a package. You're also able, to assort the same domain to several domain packages. At the overview page of the domain the packages, in which it's included, are displayed.

How can I offer a domain package?

Click "My account" -> "My domains" -> "Domain packages". Here you can create or change your packages. Any of your domains listed for sale at, can be assigned to one or more packages.

How is the price of domain packages set and how does it change?

You set the package's price as a percentage discount on the total amount of the domains prices, included in the package. Dynamic pricing for packages is automatically effective, if the price of domains included changes.

Can the domains contained in a package be sold separately?

Yes. Every domain included in a package is also for sale separately at

What happens to a domain package, if single contained domains are sold?

If a domain contained in a package is sold, it will be deleted from the package. No other settings of your package will be affected. The package's price changes accordingly.

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How can I promote my domains?

There are several ways offers to promote your domain for free. Among these are:

- Listing of your domain on search result and category pages
- Linking to other related domains at
- Displaying on the "Flight boards" at the homepage and the category pages as "New domain"
- Displaying on the "Flight boards" at the homepage and the category pages as "Sale" in case of significant reductions of price
- Submitting it to the indexes of search engines.

More than that, will gladly allow you to raise your chance of selling the domain by even more opportunities of promoting it as Top domains for 30 days on the "Flight boards" at the homepage and up to three category pages, as well as the guaranteed listing in the newsletter and at the profiles at Twitter and Facebook.

How can I promote my domain packages?

There are several ways offers to promote your domain packages for free. Among these are:

- Listing of the domains contained in the package at
- Submitting it to the indexes of search engines.

More than that, will gladly allow you to raise your chance of selling the domain package by even more opportunities of promoting it in the "Slider" at the homepage, including picture license and at the menu to be found under "Domain packages", as well as the guaranteed listing in the newsletter and at the profiles at Twitter and Facebook.

Does display all kinds of domains at the main page and in the search results with same priority?

On the "Flights boards" at the homepage, only domains are shown as "Sale" or "New domains", which match the target market of the prospective buyer. A .ch-Domain won't be displayed at USA. Exceptions are made for Top-Domains. These can be booked for any target market.

At search result and category pages, all domains will be displayed. The prospective buyer can additionally filter there by domain extension.

How much is it to promote my domain(s) or domain package(s) at

You'll find the conditions for promoting your domains and domain packages in our pricing list.

May I publish links to my domains on external websites?

Yes. Actually we encourage you to do so. Please take note, that fake traffic isn't allowed.

May I promote my domains at boards, messages, Facebook, Twitter and so on?

Yes. Actually we encourage you to do so. Please take note, that fake traffic isn't allowed.

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What payment methods are accepted by

At it's your choice of:

- Bank transfer (SEPA for Euro payments area. For international transfers we recommend TransferWise)
- PayPal
- Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover)

The conditions are available at our pricing list.

How is my payment secured?

The escrow service is included at no extra charge for all domains listed at For you as the buyer it's ensured, that the seller will only receive the purchase price, after the transfer is completed. In case the transfer might fail in an isolated case, you're refunded the full purchase price.

For you as the seller it's ensured, that you get the purchase price, as soon as the domain is transferred to the new owner.

How and when do I receive payments from

The purchase price less the sales commission is paid out to you via bank transfer or PayPal, after the domain transfer has been successfully completed.

Are taxes added to the purchase price of a domain?

The place of performance will be in the country in which you've your place of business.

If your place of business is Germany, the valid german sales tax / VAT is added to the purchase price. Of course, you'll receive an invoice separately declaring the sales tax / VAT from

You'll receive an invoice without the sales tax / VAT, if your place of business is in the European Union and you provide a VAT identification number. The "reverse charge" procedure will be effective in this case. You're responsible for paying the tax in your country. If you're entitled to deduct sales tax / VAT, you can subtract it right afterwards.

In all other cases the tax situation depends on your national laws. For these cases we won't charge sales tax / VAT.

This is no tax counseling. In any case of doubt please contact your tax consultant.

What amount is paid out to me as a seller and do I have to pay taxes?

You'll receive the purchase price less the sales commission from, as soon as the transfer of the domain is completed. In case, the transfer might be delayed by the buyer, you'll be paid anyways 14 calendar days after we received the Auth-Code.

If your place of business is in Germany and your're liable to VAT, you'll be paid out this amount plus VAT.

If your place of business is in the European Union, you'll receive a credit voucher without displayed sales tax / VAT.

If your place of business is in any other country, it depends on your national taxation law, if you're obligated to pay sales tax / VAT. In this case, we won't credit sales tax / VAT to you.

This is no tax consultancy. In any case of doubt, please contact your tax consultant.

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My account

Is creating a user's account free?

Yes. Creating and maintaining an account is free.

Do I need a user's account?

A user's account is only needed for selling domains. You can buy domains without creating an account.

How do I create a free user's account?

Click here to create new account.

I have forgotten my password. How can I request a new one?

Click here to receive a new password.

How can I delete my user's account?

In case your account isn't needed anymore, please send an email to, asking for deactivation. Please take note, that we can only execute it, if the address you send the email from is that maintained in your account and that the email contains your first and last name as provided in your account. Only by this it can be ensured, that it's really you, asking for deactivation.

Please take further notice, that we're obligated by law to store transaction data for up to 10 years. For this reason a complete deleting of your account isn't possible, but only deactivation.

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Escrow Service

Is the escrow service free of charge for sales at

Yes. Our escrow service is free for all domains listed for sale at For you as the buyer it's ensured, that the seller will only receive the purchase price, after the transfer is completed. In case the transfer might fail in an isolated case, you're refunded the full purchase price.

For you as the seller it's ensured, that you get the purchase price, as soon as the domain is transferred to the new owner.

How are buyers secured by the escrow service?

The purchase price paid to is only paid out to the seller, after the transfer of the domain has been completed by the buyer. If this fails in an isolated case, the full purchase price is refunded.

How are sellers secured by the escrow service?

For sellers it's ensured, that they receive the payment, as soon as the domain is transferred to the new owner. The Auth-Code will only be requested, after the buyer has completed the payment to

What's the external escrow service and who can benefit from it?

You found your desired domain aside of and made an agreement with the current owner? Now you want to secure the payment?

At buyers and sellers who agreed elsewhere are given the opportunity to secure payment and transfer by way of our escrow service. The competitive conditions are to be found in our pricing list.

Please take note, that the external escrow service is only available for domains, which have not been listed for sale at within the last 30 days before the agreement. For all other cases the escrow service is included at no extra charge.

Who's charged for the external escrow service?

The fee for external escrow service can be paid either by the buyer or the seller. Splitting between them is possible.

The escrow service is free for all domains listed for sale at

My domain was listed for sale at in the past. Can I benefit from the external escrow service?

The external escrow service is available for domains, which have not been listed for sale at within the last 30 days before the agreement. For all other cases the escrow service is included at no extra charge.

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How can I keep up to date about new domains at

At the main menu you can sign up for the newsletter. Sign up and receive updates of new domains, and interesting news concerning the domain market.

Additional to that, we recommend you to subscribe our profiles at Twitter and Facebook.

What languages and countries are supported by

At this moment is available in English and German. More languages are on their way.
The website is available worldwide and regionalized for the United States, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, rest of Europe and rest of the world.

What currencies are supported by

At this moment, US-Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Chinese Renminbi Yuans, Hong-Kong-Dollars, Singapore-Dollars, New-Taiwan-Dollars and Swiss Francs are supported currencies. Customers from other countries are also able to execute their payments in one of these currencies.

How are exchange rates determined?

Exchange rates are updated at least once a week, based on the Interbank-Exchange-Rates.

How is the value of a domain determined?

Determining the price of a domain is complex. The value accumulates by the number of visitors of the domain, meaning how often it's visited, by its backlinks, meaning how many other website link to it, its age and if its name is "descriptive". Global statements are therefore not possible.

When offering a domain at, a minimum price is automatically proposed. This takes among other factors into account, the domain's length, its extension and if the name is descriptive. Since at the purchase price is calculated based on the domain's number of visitors, the listed purchase price can be higher than the suggested minimum price.

If you want to know the value of your domain, you can order an expertise from our skilled brokerage team.

How can I check, if my domain might violate name or trademark rights?

A registered trademark could be an indicator. For research, we recommend the databases of the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the United States and of the European Union Intellectual Property Office for the European Union.

This is no legal advice. In any case of doubt, feel free to contact our skilled trademark enforcement team or consult your legal assistance.

What are TLDs and which are there?

TLD stands for "Top-level domain" and means the domain's extension (e.g. ".com"). There are more then 200 country specific TLDs, so called "country code top-level domains" (ccTLDs), which are 2 letters long and classified ISO 3166, e.g. .us, .uk, .de. A list of all ccTLDs can be found on Wikipedia.

Besides that, there're generic Top-level domains (gTLDs), which are grouped by unsponsored (uTLDs) like .com or .net and sponsored (sTLDs) like .gov or .edu. A list of the generic TLDs can also be found on Wikipedia.

Since 2013 there has been a bunch of new TLDs. These are also called "news gTLDs". Examples for these are .delivery, .berlin and .asia.

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