Find domains
There are several ways to search for and find your desired domain in no time. You can find domains by keywords and categories. Additionally packages of matching domains are provided.
Search results can be filtered and sorted by several criteria.
Didn’t find they right one? Our brokerage team supports you purchasing your desired domain!

Find domains

Pick the right domain
There's an overview page for every domain. On this, you find the purchase price and, if applicable, the annual number of visitors. For many domains additionally the duration till break even is displayed.
Also you'll find links to similar domains, related categories and, if applicable, domain packages, in which the domain is included. Click the keywords displayed, to find more similar domains.

Pick the right domain

Buy your domain
After picking your desired domain, click the "Buy now!" button. You only pay the purchase price. The sales commission is covered by the offerer.
Fill out the form, choose your payment method and complete the purchase. accepts the following payment methods: bank transfer (recommended SEPA or TransferWise), PayPal and Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).

Buy your domain

Transfer domains securely (escrow service)
The escrow service is always included for domains listed at You receive a bill directly from and your payment is held secure by, until the domain transfer is completed. We'll send you the Auth-Code to transfer the domain to your provider.
Only after the transfer has been completed, the purchase price will be paid out to the offerer. If, for once, something went wrong, your money will be refunded.
The escrow service is also available for domain transfers, which have not been arbitrated at Low fees occur for extern escrow service.

Transfer domains securely (escrow service)

Take off!
Open your online shop, promote your new product, access new markets or benefit from more visitors on your existing project.
Whatever your're up to - inspire the world!

Take off!