This domain can be yours!
US$ 5,599.- US$ 249.-Tax: Reverse-Charge, if applicable
No sale to individuals
2,138Ø Visitors
per year*

What's your value for a visitor?

US$ 0.8
This domain's break even will be aftermonths!

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* No visitors are displayed, if it can't be detected, because the domain isn't parked at or the time of measurement is too short.

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This domain is offered without a website. There hasn't been and won't be a research on name or trademark rights by the seller. To provide you with only one contact person and to ensure the transaction works out smoothly, all domains on this website are offered directly by including the free escrow service, regardless who's the current domain owner. Prior sale is reserved until complete payment. After receiving the payment, we'll send you the so called "Auth-Code" to transfer the domain to your provider. Payment is possible by bank transfer to our german bank account without further costs or by PayPal or credit card.

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