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New domains

Domain name Visitors* Break even* Old price Price
action-tour.deØ 351 p.a.6 months US$ 1,699.-US$ 189.-Order now!
actiway.deØ 358 p.a.6 months US$ 1,749.-US$ 189.-Order now!
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berlin-segway.deØ 405 p.a.6 months US$ 1,809.-US$ 189.-Order now!
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bestshows.deØ 393 p.a.6 months US$ 1,879.-US$ 189.-Order now!
abenteuertrips.deØ 325 p.a.7 months US$ 1,509.-US$ 189.-Order now!
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asiadeals.deØ 331 p.a.7 months US$ 1,589.-US$ 189.-Order now!
bambini-reisen.deØ 341 p.a.7 months US$ 1,569.-US$ 189.-Order now!
berlinlovers.deØ 328 p.a.7 months US$ 1,529.-US$ 189.-Order now!
bestbookers.deØ 323 p.a.7 months US$ 1,529.-US$ 189.-Order now!
billiglinie.deØ 337 p.a.7 months US$ 1,489.-US$ 189.-Order now!
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zoll24.deØ 324 p.a.7 months US$ 969.-US$ 189.-Order now!
bildungsfahrt.deØ 281 p.a.8 months US$ 1,289.-US$ 189.-Order now!
plaja-travel.deØ 147 p.a.15 months US$ 199.-US$ 189.-Order now!
plajatravel.deØ 131 p.a.17 months US$ 189.-Order now!

* No number of visitors / break even is displayed, if it can't be detected, because the domain isn't parked at or the time of measurement is too short.