Listing domains for sale
Offering your domains at is free for you. Only when the domain is sold, a small sales commission has to be paid.
Administrate your domains in your account individually or as complete list. You're qualified to delist your domains again at any time.
Of course, you may offer your domains additionaly elsewhere.

Listing domains for sale

Setting prices and conditions
At it's your choice of fixed or dynamic pricing. Dynamic pricing is being calculated due to the number of visitors of the domain. Please take note, that it can only be detected, if the domain is parked at or the visitor counter is implemented on your website.
Additionally you've the opportunity to set a minimum price. This will only be displayed, if the dynamic price is below the minimum price.
More than that, you can decide, whether prospective buyers may propose another price.

Setting prices and conditions

Select keywords and categories
As the seller, you benefit from the great scope of your domain for the relevant markets.
It's necessary to choose relevant keywords and categories for your domain to optimize its visibility.
You can choose up to three categories and for keywords up to 150 characters per language for free.

Select keywords and categories

Assort domain packages
Additionally to selling single domains, you can assort several domains to a package. You also have the choice to set the same domain to several packages.
The packages, in which the domain is included, are displayed at the overview page of the domain.
Packages are offered at a fixed price set by you. Every domain being listed as part of a package is also to be sold separately at

Assort domain packages

Administrate price proposals (optional)
If you chose to accept price proposals for your domain, a button will be provided at its overview page.
Incoming proposals are forwarded to you by It's up to you to accept the proposal, make a counteroffer or turn it down.

Administrate price proposals (optional)